Student Overseas Tertiary Education Loan Fund
No ki he totongi ako ma’olunga ange
Thinking of continuing further studies overseas but can not afford costs, Tonga’s Bank for the people of Tonga can help you. Visit any of our office or enquire thru 23 333 or email to
‘Oku ke fiema’u tokoni kihe totongi ako ho’o fanau ki muli, ko e Pangike ‘a Tonga ma’ae Tonga pe ‘a e tali, afe hifo ki ha taha pe homau ngaahi ‘ofisi pe faka’eke’eke he 23 333 or
- To promote and enhance the academic and professional skills of Tongans that need to further their study abroad but cannot afford the costs, diploma level and upwards.
- To support qualifications from a Tonga National Qualifications and Accreditation Board (TNQAB) accredited institution at the diploma level and above.
- Maximum amount T$50,000
- Term of repayment 4 years or less.
- Interest rate 1%